How To Tell If An Assisted Living Community Is Right For You

Assisted living and the associated communities offer many long-term care options for seniors and people with disabilities. However, assisted living services aren't always the best fit for everyone. Nevertheless, if you or a loved one needs a care facility because of a lack of full independence, then assisted living services can work well. Here are a few ways to tell if assisted living is right for your needs. Do You Need Assistance?

Managing Diabetes As A Senior: 5 Important Ways Assisted Living Makes It Easier And Safer

Seniors face many challenges in life, especially if they live alone. Add diabetes to the mix, and the scenario becomes even more difficult to manage, presenting new and persistent dangers. Assisted living is a positive, often all-encompassing solution, where a senior is able to enjoy life more, with less worry and disease-related complications, especially when dealing with diabetes. This is how they can help: 1. Meeting Specific Nutritional Needs  Diabetes usually demands a person eat a highly specific diet, avoiding foods that tend to exacerbate unresolved blood-glucose issues.

4 Questions To Ask When Assessing An Assisted Living Facility For Your Senior Loved One

Choosing the best senior care facility is a huge decision. Make sure you find the best place by asking these four questions during the assessment and searching process.  Does the room have an emergency communication system installed? Not all senior care facilities have emergency communication in private rooms, but this is something that is important for your loved one to have. These communication systems will allow your loved one to reach someone any time of the day or night when they need assistance.

5 Ways To Help With The Adjustment To Assisted Living When You Live Far Away

If your parents are moving into an assisted living facility, even if it is a wanted move, the transition can be tough. There are ways that you can help with this transition, even if you don't live nearby. #1 Help Them Find a Good Fit First, help your parents find the right assisted living community. All assisted living communities are not the same and cater to different interests. For example, some are located on a golf course, others may be near the water, and others may focus on intellectual stimulation.